Brew day 6/27/13

Don’t use extract if the sublty of the malt is something you
want to showcase-- I brew a lot very simple recipes, and usually I rely on the
subtle complexities of the base grains I pick to be the source of much of the
malt character. For these beers, I think it is very important to stick with all
grain as it provides the flexibility needed to really control the water profile,
nuanced malt selection, and delicacies of FG and the body of the beer.
Don’t use extract if you are worried about a lower final
gravity—Extract brewing takes away your control over the mash temp, which means
you don’t know how dextrinous the wort will be. From what I’ve read (and my super
limited experience of 2 clean batches) the maltsters make super dextrinous extract
that will rarely get near a FG that even hints at being dry.
Don’t use extract if you want to use any un-malted grains
that at don’t bring their own diastic power to the equation—we all know that
adjunct can’t be steeped, so if you’re looking to use some corn for your Classic
American Pilsner or some oats for your Dry Stout, mashing is the only option.
Otherwise, go for it! I reckon extract could make a great
option for something like a porter or stout that has a long list of specialty
grains that generally overpower any subtleties from the base grain… or maybe a
super hoppy Pale where the whole beer is overwhelmed by icky-sticky aromatics anyhoo,
or anything particularly yeast driven (given that the water treatment and
finishing gravity restraints don’t get in the way) like a triple that is all
about sugar and yeast. I’m also convinced that extract with steeping-grains is
a pretty perfect solution for sour production as I think sours need a very
neutral water profile and the high FGs are a sure way to make sure that the
brett and bacteria in mixed cultures have plenty of wort to funkify during
secondary fermentation.
So where does this Strawberry Saison fit in? The all grain
recipe I wrote was pilsner malt only with some table sugar and was so low
gravity that I had no reservations about it not finishing dry enough (not to
mention Saison yeast will generally chew through very dextrinous wort with
ease), and I was looking for all of the character in the beer to come from the
esters and phenols from the yeast and the addition of 8lbs of whole strawberries.
So I converted it to useing Pils extract, and it was sooo nice and easy.
Pilsner Liquid malt extract (100% pils) and sugar for a traditionally
dry and neutral malt presence, soft water to keep the malt and hops in the
background, the Dupont yeast strain and leftover brett bugs living in my
dedicated brett bucket for that wonderful earthy/ spicy/ fruity blend of black
pepper/ pear skins/ and flinty lemon notes, SUPER low gravity because I want to
session the hell out of this one, and 8lbs of frozen strawberries because I
think they will be just the thing to pair with the expressive Dupont yeast.
Recipe (6 Gallons into fermenter):
5lbs Pilsner
Liquid Malt Extract~ 87%
.75lb Table
Sugar~ 13%
Whole Frozen Strawberries into Fermenter at k/o
2oz Hallertauer
(aa 5.4) @ 30min Boil
2oz Perle
@ k/o for 20 min steep between 180F and 120F
tap water untreated for calculated Ca: 5 ppm and SO4: 7 ppm. Calc Mash PH 5.5
** hoping that the yeast nutrient and long boil process used to froduce LME
will provide the extra calcium needed for the yeas health**
LME and
Sugar added to 6.5 gal boiling water for 30min boil.
whirlfloc and dose of WY yeast nutrient at k/o
WY3724 DuPont
OG: 1.034
FG: 1.004= 4% ABVCalc SRM: pink ;)
Calc IBUs: 25 avg
Pitched 1L slurry of WY3724 @ 69F and left in Miguel’s Basement for ambient in
the mid to high 70s.
7/8- checked SG @ 1.008
7/16- Miguell found the bucket leaking!! He quickly transfered the remaining 4.5gal to a different bucket.
8/18- Bottled for 2.6 vol CO2 into champagne bottles. Quite a gnarly pelicle on top and the samples taste awesome. Unfourtunately the brett has overtaken the strawberrys in the nose, but the taste is subltly and sublimely earthy and berry kisse. FG@1.004
7/8- checked SG @ 1.008
7/16- Miguell found the bucket leaking!! He quickly transfered the remaining 4.5gal to a different bucket.
8/18- Bottled for 2.6 vol CO2 into champagne bottles. Quite a gnarly pelicle on top and the samples taste awesome. Unfourtunately the brett has overtaken the strawberrys in the nose, but the taste is subltly and sublimely earthy and berry kisse. FG@1.004