Adventures in brewing.
2011 Estate Harvest Cider = First attempt at making cider from the apple tree at my folks' house.
Rosemary's Baby = Set out to make a dark, funky, spicy Saison. Failed, got marinade.
Black Steam = Split batch dark steam beer. Great summertime beer.
YPA = Pale, dry, chewey, grassy, fresh IPA.
American Special Bitter = Pale Ale/ Best Bitter with juicy american hops.
La Rouge= Hoppy, rustic red Biere De Garde fermented with Brett and French yeast.
Pomegranite Table Beer= Kinda' hap-hazzard, low gravity Kolsch derived from Amber Saison wort.
NWA= Coffee, Willamettes, Palisades, and Cascades. Pacific Northwest posterchild portion of the 4-way day.
Swamp Thing= 100% Brett L fermented brown funk. Part of the 4-split.
bRYEnRYEs Ale= Amber Rye. The jump-off point for the 4-way split.
Penny Biere= Copper colored "Abbey Single" from the 4-way. A Belgian table beer for the holidays.
1 recipe, 2 weekends, 4 Beers= This is me getting carried away with a recipe for an Amber Rye.
Smokey The Poo Bear=Medium sized Smoked Honey porter with big layers of honey and smoke.
Short Stack= Dark Mild for Kelly. Smokey and small, but not puny.
Sunny Side= Summery IPA with wheat and a big floral/ tropical hop profile.
Making Messes= Blending experiment. Hopefully a spicy, musty, mysterious, and dark funky beer.
Awesome Special Brown= ASB II. Brown, hoppy, nice.
Brown Bavarian= Split fermentation with ASB II. Bavarian wheat yeast in a fruity-hoppy Brown.
Hella!= West Coast IPA from the Hills. Simple as that.
Cuivre= Belgian table amber. Spicy, fruity, and easy for the holidays.
Cocoa Bear Stout= Winter Black Beer. Chocolate oatmeal stout blackened with Black Patent.
Blanche Niege= Winter White. Wit with oak, spice, and orange peel.
Sonorval= Based on my favorite Brett beers. Pale, hoppy, funky.
Pale Rider= Xtra Pale Ale. Spicy, floral, clean, wicked hoppy, "american pilsner ale."
Farmstead Rye= Simple Rustic Rye with "house blend" Saison yeast and Styrian Auroara hops.
Frog's Breath= Dank/ fruity/ skunky APA with Nelson, Centennial, and Columbus hops.
Stay Gold= Belgian Golden Ale with Brett and earthy, fruity hops. Sornorval redux so to speak.
Blondie= Honey blond with kolsch yeast and a pinch of apricots for wedding bell sessioning.
Smokey the Poo 2= Bigger, roastier, smokier, sweeter, badder re-brew of SPB.
Rough and Ready= "RyePA" with loads of Citra and Chinook. Agro.
Mellow Yellow= All Amarillo Oat Pale Ale for the Lake.
Fraise= Table Saison with Strawberries
Tips and Terms= Any questions? We'll try to answer 'em here.
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