Yup, the title of this post pretty much sums it up… I threw
together a ridiculous concoction that will most likely be a nasty mess, but
could end up being an interesting beer with a bit of luck.
I got bored while I was mashing and boiling the Brown this
weekend (post pending), and started to reorganize the piles of beer in my “Cellar”
(read as: dusty garage). As I was consolidating the cases of homebrews, I realized
that I had quite a few that I don’t really like. Instead of just sitting on
them and only drinking a few a year, or just pouring them down the drain, I
figured I might as well put all that hard-earned fermented wort to experimental
use while freeing up some bottles and space in the process.
I had an empty 3 gal carboy whispering in my ear, and some
fun Candi Syrup and sweet dried orange peer calling out from the goodie bag, so
I lined up all the rejects and did my best to repurpose them. The result is a
blend of 3 homebrews, several bottles of commercial beers that had passed their
prime, and various yeast, sugar, and spice additions to kick the can down a
different path.
I did the “blending” and pitched the dredges form La Rouge
on top.
Approximate (this was NOT a well controlled experiment)
ratios of the new brew:
40% Short Stack- This has been a loss since the pitchingincident, and although I haven’t done a formal review yet I have been trying to
make friends with it to no avail. Too acrid from the roasted grains with no
sweetness to round it out. This one is
30% NWA- Too mean for me, but I’m hoping that in this blend
its coffee contribution will add some nice depth to compliment the oak, smoke,
and roasted grains in the other beers and that the rye will help build body and
give the Brett something extra to process. Also, I ‘spect that if this works
out, it’ll take a year or two at which point the hops in will fade to the back.
10% New Fermentables and Spices- Belgian Extra Dark Candi syrup,
some bakers chocolate, a lb of honey, and 2 oz of dried sweet orange peel should
all blend pretty well with the dark, roasty, smokey, coffee, and toasty beers
given some time. Hopefully.
5% Other- Randoms that got thrown in included a bottle or
two of Hoptimum, a can of Gubna’, and two 22oz bottles of a Honey Octoberfest
that I made a small batch of (no post) and hated.
By adding plenty of new fermentables to up the
ABV and take advantage of the O2 purging nature of yeast metabolism I’m hoping
that much of the oxygen exposure gets cleaned out as it re-ferments.
Keeping the beer big and dark will hopefully push
the oxidized flavor more towards the port/ sherry end of the spectrum, and not
the stale cardboard end.
I pitched a good sized jar of harvested French
Saison/ Brett C dredges from the La Rouge brew. The idea here is that the
French Saison yeast will be able to take all or the component beers down a few
gravity points (it goes LOW) and lend some nice new spicy phenols to compliment
the Candi and Oranges, while the Brett C will be able to work its magic over
the months and cover any skanky cardboard flavors with it’s nice, mellow,
cellar-like (reminds me of a wine cork) funk.
Now we wait. Most likely this is just going to
be a big mess, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
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