Brew day 10/13/12

The black beer is an almost-dry stout with a hearty dose of
chocolate and vanilla.
First of all: Besides the obvious distance between a brown
porter and an imperial stout, I think that the two styles are essentially
overlapping- especially as you wander into the lands of Robust Porters and Milk
Stouts (which are both quite sweet and roasty)- to me the distinguishing
characteristic between the two is simply (and subtly) the character or the
roasted grains. I think of Porters as being nuttier, toastier, and more
chocolaty… essentially “browner” than their closely related but more burnt
tasting brethren. A porter should focus on balance, richness, and depth, while
a good stout should counter any residual sweetness with some aggressive
black-and-burnt dryness. Although I don’t find myself seeking them out very
often I like both styles, but generally stay away from sweet variations of
either. My favorites are usually dry, not too big, nice and roasty Stouts.
Cocoa Bear- (Oatmeal Chocolate Stout): This recipe is an
evolution of the recipe for this summer’s Smokey The Poo Bear, with some
adjustments made to nudge it over the imaginary tracks from Porter to Stout
territory. Malted Golden Naked Oats and base English Optic Malt should provide
much of the body and soul for this one, with the same ratios of brown and
roasted malts as in SPB, but this time I used Black Patent in place of
Chocolate malt to achieve a darker, drier, more ashen type roasted character. I
left the smoke out, boosted the percentage of the oats to counter the meaner
black grains with a hearty creaminess, and I’m shooting for a much bigger FG
this time to keep it from having the assertive booziness that SPB had. Cocoa
powder in the boil and vanilla extract at bottling will hopefully add some comforting
layers and make for a nice desert beer.
To be honest, I’m a little worried that using Black Patent
as the only roasted grain might leave me wanting some more depth in the roasty
dept, but I like using certain recipe changes as “case study” opportunities and
figured this would be a great way to contrast the contributions of Chocolate
Malt (SPB) and Black Patent.
The Recipe (for 4.5 gal):
10lbs Optic Malt-76%
1.5lbs Golden Naked Oats-12%
.75lbs Brown Malt-6%
1.5lbs Golden Naked Oats-12%
.75lbs Brown Malt-6%
.5oz Zythos Blend @ 60min
.5oz Zythos Bland @ 10min
4oz Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder @ 10min
4oz Vanilla Extract at Bottling
Pitched 1 Packet Danstar
Nottingham Dry yeast @ 65F with .5 tab Servomicies. Set to ferment at 66F for
15 days and then up to 75 to clean up.
Used Sonora Tap H2O with .75 g/gal each
gypsum and baking soda for dark/ balanced water profile.
Mashed at 156F for 60min. Mash Out at 168F for 10 min.
Batch Sparge
60min boil
Batch Sparge
60min boil
Collected 4.5 gal after boil and hop trub removal.
OG: 1.065= 63% efficiency
FG: 1.025= 5.2% ABV
Calculated SRM: 36
Calculated IBU: Garetz 28, Tinseth 31
FG: 1.025= 5.2% ABV
Calculated SRM: 36
Calculated IBU: Garetz 28, Tinseth 31
10/14- Pitched @ 65F.
10/27- Let temp free-rise to ambient.11/16- Bottled 4.2gal with 4oz Vanilla Extract and 1 carbonation drop per 22oz bottle **FG is so high I fear that there will be furthur attenuation in the bottles, so I amied for SUPER LOW carbonation. If the high FG is correct and just a product of the cocoa powder, we'll just have a very low carbonation. If not, there should be plenty of room so as not to blow the bottles.** FG: 1.025!?!.
1/25/13- Its been a huge hit over the holidays! Ridiculously chocolaty, and spot on in terms of everything save the need for that it needs more BLACK and maybe a more to-style yeast. Super enjoyable though.