Brew Day 2/9/13

I adjusted the gravity down to 1.054, which puts
this well under the IPA weigh-in gravity. I used the same hop qtys as in
Hella!, which will put the balance much more off in favor even more of the hops
and bitterness, so I compensated with a fairly heavy hand of gooey wheat malt
and a splash of light crystal to provide some extra doughy sweetness as a
counterpoint to the deadly IBUs. I think I could have doubled the crystal given
the low gravity, or mashed a bit higher but there is always next time… Here is
a quick breakdown of the recipe:
-90% Clean American 2-Row as the base to stay
out of the way.
-Blend of Wheat Malt, C15, and Carapils to boost
body and add some doughy sweetness.
-WLP090 San Diego Super yeast because I’ve been
told that it is the bees-knees in clean and hoppy beers. Just like the Chico
yeast but more flocculent.
-Nelson Sauvin leading the hop charge with their
funky/ fruity/ foxy flavors. I have only had a handful of commercial beers that
use Nelson hops, and I definitely get a prominent New Zealand white wine flavor
with some white grape, skanky grapefruit, and dark resin in the background.
These are said to be quite polarizing hops, but I’ve really enjoyed the lighterbeers I’ve had them in.
-Centennials for their great, bright fruitiness
to lift the Nelsons up out of the “darkness”. I can’t say enough good about the
batch of Centennials I have in the freezer right now!
-A touch of Columbus hops for their green and
resiny bite that carries a bit of chive to my palette. I feel like Columbus and
Chinook both make for great background hops thanks to their earthy
bites—Columbus is more dirt/ weed/ onion (think: dirty hippie) to me and is
GREAT along with fruitier hops. (Chinook has a fresher wood/ mushroom/ spice
thing that I think goes perfectly with piney and citrusy hops, but that is
neither here-nor-there;))
-New water treatment calculated for a moderately
bitter finish with 225ppm of Sulfate. This is my first brew using Oakland H2O,
so we’ll see how it goes and adjust from there.
-Super heavy hop doses ‘cuz that is how I like
Honestly, this may not be my finest effort- I undershot the gravity by quite a bit due to much lower than expected boil-off rates (maybe thanks to the switch from cold and dry Sonora air to balmy Oakland), and therefore wish I had mashed higher, targeted more like 70IBUs, and used more like 5% C15 instead of the 2% each C15/ Carapils split. Next time I guess.
The Recipe (for 6 gal kettle yield to make room
of hop losses):
11 lbs
Great Western Premium 2-Row~90%
.75 lbs
Great Western White Wheat Malt~6%
.25 lbs
.25 lbs
1 oz
Columbus @ FWH
Columbus @ 15min
2 oz
Nelson @ 15min
2 oz
Nelson @ k/o at 180F “whirlpool”
2 oz
Centennial @ k/o at 180F “whirlpool”
1 oz
Columbus DH for 10 Days
1 oz
Nelson DH for 10 Days
2 oz
Centennial DH for 10 Days
1 oz
Nelson DH in 1 Day in bottling bucket for extra “pop”
starter of WLP090 San Diego Super Yeast pitched at 65F and allowed to free
ferment in ambient room temp of 65F
Tap with 1.5g/gal gypsum for Pale/ Hoppy water
Mash in
with 6 gal to hit 145 sac for 1 hour, then infuse 2 gal to hit 156 dex rest for
1 hour, no mash out, no sparge
Whirlfloc tablet at k/o
5.75 gal after trub removal
1.054= 75% efficiency
FG: 1.010= 5.7%
Calculated SRM: 4
Calculated IBU: Garetz 70, Tinseth 101
FG: 1.010= 5.7%
Calculated SRM: 4
Calculated IBU: Garetz 70, Tinseth 101
Pitch yeast and put in Miguel’s fermentation room for low-mid 60sF ambient.
Never really went crazy.
Airlock activity has stopped. Added DH. Gravity @1.011. Samples are quite dank.
2/27- Added final 1oz of Nelson 1 day before bottling. Extra brightness I hope?
2/28- Bottled with 4.1oz table sugar at 65F into 5.5 gals for target VOL CO2 2.4. Added sugar directly to primary bucket and gave a gentile swirl and filled bottles directly from primary to minimize O2 uptake. FG@1.010
4/3- Wow hops! Everyone loves it. Dark, moody, skunky, fruity, grassy, citrus. Check it out!
2/27- Added final 1oz of Nelson 1 day before bottling. Extra brightness I hope?
2/28- Bottled with 4.1oz table sugar at 65F into 5.5 gals for target VOL CO2 2.4. Added sugar directly to primary bucket and gave a gentile swirl and filled bottles directly from primary to minimize O2 uptake. FG@1.010
4/3- Wow hops! Everyone loves it. Dark, moody, skunky, fruity, grassy, citrus. Check it out!