Tasting 3/3/13
I was quite disappointed with this beer when it was young,
but after half a year in the bottle it has really shaped up. The French
Saison yeast’s great spicy phenolics are shining through nicely now that the hops
have faded a bit, and the Brett C has developed into a citric, earthy base note
that ties the whole thing together.

Smell: Grassy, bready, lemony sweet. There is a fairly firm
papaya and lime note above the malty and spicy base from the munich malt and
French yeast. It is far from the fruit-bomb that it started out as, and instead
it displays equally the sweet malt, spicy yeast, tropical hops, and earthy funk
from the Brett. Moderately aromatic.
Taste: Malty sweet, earthy spice, and surprisingly clean and
bright given the Brett presence which lends a layer lemony brightness and raw
mushroomy goodness. Fairly bitter on the back end with a flash of that papaya
sweetness from the nose before a spiced and dry finish.
Mouthfeel: Super slick and spritzy. Very vigorously
carbonated , slightly acidic (not sour at all though—think sparkling wine) and
awesome. Not watery or thin despite the super low FG.
Overall: Tasty beer, although it took a while to get here.
The munich lends a nice fullness and pretty color, but I think that next time
I’ll use some light Crystal and Wheat malt instead as the malty notes don’t
really need to be there. Otherwise this is just dandy.