IPA #2 from the Trade: Zythos, Nelson, Galaxy IPA 7.5%

Same reddish amber as the one with Simcoe. Nice Khaki head that falls to lace pretty
quickly, and decent clarity for the dark color.
Smell: It’s
funny… this one smells more like Simcoe to me right now than I remember the one
that actually HAD Simcoe in it…. Orange, citrus candy, and some mango with a peppery
bite and a tiny hint of pine. Again, like the other with the bing cherry
overtones—maybe it’s a trick of the brain because of the color? The malt seems
less apparent in this one, which doesn’t really make any sense (because they
were the same beer) and goes to show how situational tasting impressions are. This
one also has that same lovely aromatic biscuit and toast pushing through the
hops pretty strongly.
Taste: Still
very toasty in the malt department… not very caramely but still sweet and rich.
The malt easily stands up to the super bitter hop resins. The hops come through
as soapy-bitter with a killer sticky bite and an awesome candy type fruit punch
impression… but with hints of darker tones coming through in the background as
funky grapes and passionfruit. The bouquet integrates so nicely with the malt that
this is pretty crazy drinkable.
Overwhelmingly bitter, with nice carbonation (lower than the last bottle?) and tons
of hop oils in the finish. Not boozy, not sticky, but still warm and full.
Overall: I
think I like this one better than the one with Simcoe. It seems more “intact” and
has an easier to explore depth to the hoppyness. [SIDENOTE: I find that I prefer
hoppy beers that focus on a main characteristic as the prominent impression and
then layer other complimentary flavors on it to round it out. I think beers
with TOO much complexity get to be hard to pick anything out of and make for a
generally muddling impression. I kinda’ liken it to finger-painting: it looks
pretty neat until you et too crazy. Start with yellow and red and get neat
orange patterns, but then add just a few more colors and it all turns brown… The
hop combo in this beer does a nice job of pushing the envelope without going
overboard] All and all a pretty awesome beer. Again, maltier and a bit high on
the IBUs for the finishing gravity than I would go with the style, but well put
Oh, one last
thing: Ward reckons that the fining he used in the IPAs stripped some of the
hop flavor out, and I think he may be right. It is quite potent still, but not the
monster that was the Black Ale or the Imperial Red Rye.
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